Intern: Elijah McKinney
Welcome to my intern website! My name is Elijah McKinney and I was the first official CrossFit Richardson (CFR) summer intern. I'm going to be a fifth year senior (whoop) at Texas A&M University (whoop) and I am pursuing a bachelor's degree of science in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences (whoop). I love fitness and I love people, which is why I chose CrossFit Richardson as my summer internship. This website is constructed for my RPTS 484 class (shout out to Mrs. Scott!). Throughout this website you will be able to learn all about CrossFit Richardson as an organization, my responsibilities as an intern, and contact information will be available if you get interested in being the next intern! |
All About CFR
Learn more about the place and people you will be interning for at CrossFit Richardson!
Intern Responsibilities
Here you will find everything you need to know about being a CFR intern.
Interested?If this internship is something you are considering, click below to contact CrossFit Richardson!